NEW YEAR, NEW ME - New Places To Be, New Food To Eat! (In Visayas)
(Luis Javier/ Feb 15, 2022)
What other travel destinations and delicacies can be at par with what Luzon can offer? Of course, tourist spots and dishes from Visayas!
Care to relive history through the ruins of 16th century in Fort San Pedro? Perhaps you wish to witness Moalboal's majestic sardine run? Or trek through the jungle canyons of Badian, with the aquamarine waters of Kawasan Falls just waiting at the end? These are just scratching the surface of what’s in store for you in Cebu!
Did we also mention that this queen city is home to one of the most popular dishes in the country? Lechon De Cebu! A hog filled with organic herbs and spices, skewered with a large bamboo pole and evenly roasted over a pit of hot coals to get that crispy brown skin with savory pork meat. It’s quite the explosion of tastes all in one bite!
Photo by

The House of Lechon in Acacia Street, Kaputhaw is one of many places where you can try this mouth-watering dish!
If you think of that one, true, tropical paradise, Panglao surely takes the cake! It's a home to several beaches full of white sands and beautiful diving sites. Don’t forget to explore Bohol’s nearby wonders such as the Chocolate Hills and a whole network of springs, falls, caves and more!
Photo by Bohol Bee Farm Restaurant

After your day of exploration, you can drop by at the Bohol Bee Farm Restaurant, one of many places that serve dishes with ingredients straight from their farm. With the view of the sunset and the taste of that fresh, savory, and healthy plate in front of you, what more can you ask for?
Plan your next Visayas trip now!
Check out our Holy Week Packages here: (Cebu, Bohol, Boracay and other amazing destinations)
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Tags:   beach   Boracay   Cebu   staycation   travel inspiration   
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